Arbitrator Disclosure

Interested parties should not rely on this website as a complete or updated source of disclosure information about Mr. Rubinstein.

Mr. Rubinstein abides by statutory, American Bar Association, American Arbitration Association, and other applicable rules and canons regarding the disclosure of interests or relationships likely to affect impartiality or which might create an appearance of partiality (e.g. International Bar Association Guidelines for Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration, 2024).

He is a member of a number of organizations (“Organizations”) and also attends numerous conferences and events (“Events”) related to mediation, arbitration, litigation, corporate governance, business transactions, law, intellectual property, commercial and investment issues, finance, and other matters. Additionally, he teaches and lectures from time to time and participates on social networks such as LinkedIn.

Interested persons should know that Mr. Rubinstein does not maintain a current or complete list of persons who are members of Organizations, persons who attend or otherwise participate at Events at which he has appeared or participated, nor persons who are members of organizations or associations sponsoring or otherwise affiliated with Events. Additionally, he does not maintain complete records of students who attend his classes or lectures, nor of LinkedIn “contacts” as all of such are not, alone, a “known … relationship which might reasonably affect impartiality or independence in the eyes of any of the parties.” Canon II, Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes, American Bar Association (2004); General Standard 2, International Bar Association Guidelines for Conflicts of Interest in Commercial Arbitration (2024).

Regarding LinkedIn specifically, Mr. Rubinstein generally accepts requests from other professionals or executives to be added to his Linked profile, but does not maintain a database of all such persons and their connections which now number several hundred. LinkedIn also features endorsements, which Mr. Rubinstein does not seek and has no control over who may endorse him for different skills. The existence of such links or endorsements does not indicate any depth of relationship other than an online professional connection, similar to connections in other professional organizations. The existence of endorsements for skills is not a statement by Mr. Rubinstein regarding his competency nor skills in any listed area. Such are set forth in Mr Rubinstein’s full CV, which is available here.

Mr. Rubinstein requests any party in an arbitration for which he is proposed as an arbitrator to promptly disclose any facts or circumstances leading that party to question his impartiality or independence as soon as that information is reasonably available to the party and, for that purpose, to undertake a reasonable continuing search of publicly available information promptly after learning of his prospective appointment as arbitrator. Mr. Rubinstein makes a statement substantially similar to this disclosure in disclosure statements for arbitrations for which he is nominated as an arbitrator.